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Events Annual Conference of the South Asia Study Group within the DGfG 2016 The sixth annual conference of the study group will take place at the University Osnabrück on January 22 and 23, 2016. Conference language is usually German, though presentations and posters in English are also most welcome! For further information please contact Martin Franz Annual Conference 2015 The fivth annual conference of the study group took place at the University Göttingen on January 23 and 24, 2015. Further Conferences - 14.-16. January 2015, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)/Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: international Workshop "Translocal Spatial Practices, Urban Transformations: Migration and Mobile Urbanism in South and South-East Asia", further information: https://www.geographie.uni-freiburg.de/pdfs/cfp_translocality.pdf/view
25.-28. February, 2015, Guwahati, India: 36th Indian Geographers Meet, 2015 & International Seminar on Environmental Changes and Challenges: Local,Regional & Global Perspectives, organised by the Department of Geography, G.U. 6.-7. March 2015, Rajshahi, Bangladesh: International Conference on Geography Education, Organizedby Department of Geography and Environmental Studies,University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, in collaboration with the University of Education, Freiburg, Germany 24-26 June 2015, Copenhagen: 7th annual international ADI conference: Food, Feeding and Eating In and Out of Asia 17 August 2015, Leiden, Rethinking Asian Studies in a Global Context: Sharpening the edges: Instating state and power in Indian Ocean history. An agenda for critical research and teaching, Leiden University, CfP until 15 March 2015 - 6.-12. September 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh, UNU-EHS, Munich Re Foundation: The third resilience academy: enhancing resilience to minimize loss and damage- providing knowledge for the UNFCCC.
INFO: If you would like to place a conference announcement with regional focus on South Asia on our webpage, please contact Mareike Kroll.
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